Our Saints

Our Saints

Saint Mary of the
Cross MacKillop
Saint Rafqa
Golden Jubilee Prayer
We praise and thank you, 0 Lord Our God for the 50 years of the Maronite Eparchy
and for all those who have served your flock
and helped build up your Church in faith and communion.
In this Jubilee Year, we are called as a Maronite community
to meditate on the love of God the Father,
to open our hearts ever more to the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and to listen to and be enlightened by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Lead us Lord, on the path of holiness, nourished by Your Holy Word and Sacraments
to bear witness to You from generation to generation.
We seek forgiveness for the times when we should have been
more holy, more loving and more charitable as individuals and as a community.
We pray for all people in this vast nation to be open to do Your will, 0 Lord,
so that Your peace may reign in our hearts, in our families, and in our world.
May we continue to journey with You, and with Mary, Our Lady of Ilige,
Saint Maroun, Saint Charbel, Saint Rafqa, Saint Nehmetallah,
and Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop,
so that the Maronites and all the faithful
may grow in holiness and openness.
O Father Son and Holy Spirit, to you be glory, now and for ever